Are You Bored By The Story You Are Writing?

Every story must have a beginning, middle and end. As you write your story, you know this and really want to make sure these story stages are intact. But do you know when you begin to feel tired of your story? At the middle of your first draft!

Whether you are drafting your first novel, or you are writing your tenth book, you get bored at this point – at least for most of the time.

When this happens, you drag yourself to your writing corner each time your writing schedule calls. You force yourself to write and keep writing because if you don’t you won’t finish – you are determined to finish. Deep down, you don’t feel like writing the same story anymore.

If you give in to your boredom, you are likely to abandon that project for a long, long, long, long time, believe me. For this same reason, lots of first drafts are covered with dust- unfinished.

How Do You Prevent or eliminate Writing Boredom?

First of all, you need to find out the cause of your boredom.

Why are you bored?

Do  You Know How Your Story Will End From The Start?

You probably have made up your mind about how your story will end. All you want to do is jump every other step and get there.

You are bored because you have set your mind on how the story will end – it’s like you have finished writing the book just like someone that has finished reading a story.

How do you deal with this pronlem?

While writing your first draft, do not think of or put your mind to how your story will end. Write as though you don’t know how it’s going to end because most of the time, you don’t.

Let your story determine how it will end – in your first draft. Have the plot outlined but in your mind, do not limit your story to it. If you do, you’ll be bored.

Do You Think Too Much About Your Story?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you think about this story and how you can finish it within a month. You make rapid changes in your head and plan on how to work harder to finish it up. You think about increasing you daily target to 3000 words and so on.

Well, you just have to forget about that story the moment you are not writing it. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean you shouldn’t t grab an inspiration that pops in your head telling you what to do next. I don’t mean you shouldn’t admire your characters in your quiet moments, you should but forget the story as soon as possible. If you think hard about it, you will be exhausted and bored in the long run.

Do You Edit As You Write Your First Draft?

If you are the type who can’t resist editing on the go, you are taking a risk. You do not edit while drafting. Stick to the rule of finishing your draft before editing. It’s no joke.

Do not look at the misspelt words. or how the story sounds. Leave them as they are at this moment. Go ahead and get the idea off your head and down on the paper. Otherwise, you will be invigorating your writing boredom.

Do You Have Negative Thoughts About Your Story?

You probably have thoughts like; My story idea is not captivating enough. No one will be interested in reading it. I’ll end up with one to five people reading this. What is the use of continuing with this if the idea is not marketable?

The first time you thought about this idea, it was spectacular and you began the draft with fire of desire burning in you. Why not finish drafting before you start the worry?

Do not entertain negative thoughts during your first draft or at any point, It will discourage you and lead to boredom. Replace any negative thought with positive ones and go on with your story.

You Are Trying Hard To Please Your Readers-To-Be.

Your story begins to bore you when you can’t think of how to present your story in a way that will interest your reader. If they won’t like it, no need!

You’re wrong to think this way.

You won’t nail your first draft thinking of how to please your reader. At the point, see yourself as the reader and the writer.

Do not forget yourself in the process – that you should write this story the way it interests you and have in mind that once it interests you, it will interest your reader.

– Are You Working Too Hard On It Or Spending Too Much Time Writing It?

Too much familiarity breeds contempt, this is also true for writing. Give it time to breathe. Give it only a little time a day say, one or two hours a day. Or, write one to two thousand words per day. Once you’re done, close it and go do something else. It’s natural to begin to lose interest in what you spend too much time with.

Do You Feel That You Are Doing “This” Same Thing Everytime?

It’s possible for you to get bored by writing on the same story everyday. No one wants to stay on the same rask for a long period of time. To overcome this, make use of the following tips.

For each story Event, Scene Or Chapter, use different font styles, colours or sizes – Change it back to the normal font when you are done for the day.

This will help you get rid of the feeling that you are doing the same thing over and over again.

In Few Words

Do not give writing boredom a chance. Get that draft done with, write it as if you’re telling yourself a story, don’t worry about anything or anyone. Have fun.

Do you get bored by your writing? How do you burst your boredom? Do share with us.


    • Sometimes when you’re writing a story, a new story idea comes up. You don’t tell it to wait, you know. You just have to start it. Once you write down the story idea, you can go back to the former one. There was a time I started three stories within a week. I wrote down the ideas and went back to the one I needed to focus on. One story at a time for me but it’s definitely okay to start another story when you’re writing one having in mind that it’s to get the idea down on the paper so it doesn’t slip by.

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